A bug in the Cell selection in table

I am working on an “Installation for developers” of fidus writer. The installation works great.
But when a selected a table cell for merging cells I came across the follwoing bug.

ERROR:javascript_error:Got error:
context: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/72.0.3626.121 Safari/537.36
details: webpack:///./node_modules/prosemirror-tables/dist/index.js?: 404: Uncaught TypeError: Class constructor Selection cannot be invoked without ‘new’, 15, TypeError: Class constructor Selection cannot be invoked without ‘new’
at new CellSelection (webpack:///./node_modules/prosemirror-tables/dist/index.js?:404:15)
at setCellSelection (webpack:///./node_modules/prosemirror-tables/dist/index.js?:1161:21)
at HTMLDocument.move (webpack:///./node_modules/prosemirror-tables/dist/index.js?:1187:20)

Kindly have a look in the issue.


Thanks @cvr3 . This has been fixed in 3.7.13.

Thank you so much for your quick reply.
Can you please briefly explain to me how it was fixed? I am curious to know.

It was a bug in a library (prosemirror). I fixed it by upgrading the library. I speculate that it was related to how that library upgrades to ES modules because that is the main difference in recent versions, but I don’t know for sure.

If you are interested in following development, you can always look at the commit history on github: https://github.com/fiduswriter/fiduswriter/commits/master