Commentaries: Difference between "removing" and "resolving"

I do not understand the difference between removing a commentary and resolving it. Could someone please help?

To answer my own question: Removing deletes the commentary altogether, resolving only hides it, but it can be restored or shown. Essentially, my confusion stems from a IMHO unfortunate German localization.

so what you prefer in terms of German translation?

“Auflösen” finde ich deshalb unglücklich, weil ich einen solchen Befehl auf ehesten mit “Gruppierung auflösen” assoziiere, etwa in Photoshop oder Illustrator. Ich hätte erwartet, dass der Befehl den Kommentar entfernt und ihn in den Text integriert (was natürlich kaum sinnvoll ist).
M. E. wäre die beste Beschreibung der Funktionalität tatsächlich “Ausblenden”. Mir ist klar, dass ein Klick auf “Kommentare” diese ebenfalls ausblendet, allerdings gibt es dafür m. W. keinen eigenen Befehl. Die korrespondierenden Kontextmenüeinträge könnten dann lauten “Einblenden” (statt “regenerieren”, was ich ebenfalls unglücklich finde) und “Ausgeblendete Kommentare” (statt “Kommentare aufgelöst”, wiederum etwas unglücklich).

In Google Docs, “Mark as resolved” = “Als geklärt kennzeichnen”. In Microsoft Word the wording seems to be “als erledigt markieren”. One problem with both of those is that they are quite wordy, but that is basically what is meant with “resolving” a comment - you are done working with it, so it should no longer be shown (unless you explicitly ask to also show resolved comments). That is different from “deleting” a comment - which means that the comment is irrelevant or should not be there for some other reason.

I don’t think “ausblenden” quite covers that meaning as it says nothing about why the comment is not to be shown and it won’t disappear in case that the user is showing “resolved” comments, which will be super confusing. but I also admit that “auflösen” likely originated some time from a direct translation from English from which we took it.

Other suggestions?

I see what you mean. The problem obviously is that from the functionality itself it is not self-evident what it intends. Therefore, the wordy phrase “Mark AS resolved” (emphasis intended) is necessary. If you want to convey this meaning, I think there is no convincing alternative than to be wordy (z. B. “als erledigt deaktivieren”, “Deaktivierte Kommentare” and “Reaktivieren”). However, there is also the possibility to be wordy with more explanations in the contextual information.