Document navigator: automatic link to references / bibliography

I started using again Fidus Writer for “production” purposes and not only for test, I still like it a lot.

I would suggest a feature: automatically inserting a link to the refrences / Bibliography section in the document navigator pane, so that one could quickly jump to that section (even if it is automatically generated and is not editable).

As of now the workaround is to manually insert a heading (e.g. “references”) just before so that it appears in the document structure, but I guess that this could easily implemented in an automatic way.

Thank you, regards

(I did not find traces of my previous login so I created a new account)

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That sounds like a good idea.

Thank you, I am happy to contribute!
Personally I think that this is a must-have feature which (hopefully easy enough to be quickly implemented).

Sure, but remember that there are many features that were programmed into Fidus Writer over the past seven years, and there is almost always someone who believes that their favorite feature is the most important of them all. I think we just have to accept that users use Fidus Writer in every different ways.

That being said, I think your proposed feature has a good chance of being included in Fidus Writer 3.8 as it likely won’t be too difficult to program.

Thank you, I did not intend to be overly assertive or critique, indeed I know that “tot capita, tot sententiae”.

By contrast, I shall suggest introducing automatic linking in document structure also for the abstract and the other optional sections that may be introduced, in order to favor quick checking/editing.

Thank you

@guidogorgoni As of 2.7.20, the link to the bibliography is included in the navigator.

Excellent, thank you!