I’ve noticed that multiple citations in footnotes are randomly ordered in Chicago Manual of Style 17 (note) rather than alphabetically as the style requires (according to Chicago Manual of Style 17: ‘When including multiple authors in a footnote you should order them alphabetically according to the first author’s surname’). I’ve noticed that one or two other citation styles have this problem with multiple citations too - although APA and Oxford do work well, and order multiple citations alphabetically. Here is an example of the problem using one of my footnotes, first in APA:

And then in Chicago:

All the best and sorry for another query.
Hey @J.J_Meggitt,
it also looks like that to me. Unfortunately this time it’s not our jurisdiction. The citation styles are provided by the citation style language project that also Zotero obtains these from. You can query the Zotero citation style database here: https://www.zotero.org/styles?q=chicago . If you run your mouse pointer over the title of individual styles, it will show you an example. There are many different Chicaco styles there, and none of them order the citations the way it is described in that paragraph you mentioned there. I would try to contact one of those responsible for the style: https://www.zotero.org/styles/chicago-note-bibliography . Frank Bennett is also the person behind citeproc-js: https://github.com/Juris-M/citeproc-js and he is generally a key person in the world of scientific citations. His email is listed in there.
Thanks for the reply. I’ll chase it up.