Short title option?

Another minor query (and I promise this will be my last for a while): I may be missing this but I cannot find an option for a ‘Short Title’ in the Optional Fields. When I use a citation style in a template that stipulates a ‘Short Title’ after a full note, like Chicago Manual of Style17th edition (full note, short note subsequent), I don’t get the ‘Short Title’ in subsequent citations (and which is included in the reference I’ve imported from Zotero) but the full title (although quite rightly missing the other publication data).

Hey @J.J_Meggitt ,
yes, interesting. Apparently Zotero is using a non-standard form of the field because it was added to the standard in the not too distant past and we don’t seem to have it all. I will make sure we have a fix shortly.

See also discussion here: "title-short" vs shortTitle - CSL Development - Citation Style Language

Thanks. That’ll be very helpful.

Hey @J.J_Meggitt ,
this has been fixed in version 3.11 which can be tried out at and will be available everywhere else within a few days.

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